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 Dirt, tar, grease and oil built up in production facilities cause machinery to function improperly and can create an unsafe working environment. However, manual cleaning is often

delayed to prevent shut-down of the factory.

Dry Ice Blasting equipment provides a quick, safe, non-toxic and economical cleaning solution for facilities, industrial equip-ment, machinery, machine tools and assembly line equipment.

Dry Ice Blasting cleans in-place without disassembly or cooling
down and is non-abrasive, non-conductive, non-corrosive, and does not use water. It is a completely dry and clean

Dry Ice Blasting also minimizes the disposal of hazardous waste. With Dry Ice Blasting, the cleaning media (dry ice) sublimates - meaning it disappears without adding secondary waste. The only waste is the material you were removing.

QE20干冰制造机 TCM25干冰制造机 TCM60干冰制造机 小型干冰机TCM50 干冰制造机TCM450


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烟台突驰机电科技有限公司 干冰清洗,干冰制造专家

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